Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snorkel practice!!

Grabbing the fins by the ankle strap. 

Adrean helped me get the head band on the mask just right. She thought the fins were epic, so I let her try em out. My feet started rubbing on the rubber, so I got out and walked to the locker room to grab two little hand towels, wrapped around the feet and ankle, bam! 

My head strap was missing the snorkel attachment, so I velcroed  the snorkel to my mask.... Yup. 

Back and forth . Back and forth. 

I wonder what my water spout looked like from the top. Hopefully didn't hit the guy next to me.

Back and forth. 

I think my ankles are goina be SOREeeee 

Ahhhhh glad I got that stuff outa the closet.   T- minus 3 weeks till a week in Key West! Yes! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Didddddd it!!

4.5 miles and I wanted to quit after 3. 

Every time you pass your turn around point but you still keep GOInG. 


Lips still sealed. For the first 3hehe

Note to self. Run against traffic on the trail- counter clockwise. WAY more breeze! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New discoveries In memorial park

!! The living bridge. Yesterday Accenture did a volunteer project here, so I decided to go back for a run around it. Way cool and a great hill practice! 

4 miles baby and it was amazing weather!! There were tonssss of peeps out there!! 

~1/3 of a half marathon..... Chin stroking. :D 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tri for Him

Oh my goodness, what a good, inspiring spin workout this morning! 

This morning before class, I read my email and one of them is from a blog streaming service thingy. They say my tri blog has been added to their site. Ok..? Anywho. I think it means more people will read it perhaps. 

I wonder why Grace wasn't added to that blog service thingy. I consider that to be way more inspiring and encouraging and more well written. Especially when most of my tri posts consist of talking about sweat and my little swim workouts and trying to burp in water and food. You know, truly glamorous stuff. 

At some point in my rush out the door this morning and the drive to Lifetime, it hits me for the first time. 

Christian. Athlete. 

I don't know why I hadn't really put them together before. 

And then I think about the radio show I listen to where they have a feature about  Christian sports coaches. 

I always wondered why sports and Christian leaders were so popular. Maybe cause people realize our bodies are gifts and our power and strength come from God. In athletics, the metaphor for channeling His stength is so obvious and evident. 

I get to spin class and half way through, heard pounding, sweat bubbles just a poppin off my arms, that image pops in my head again. 

Pretty much every day for the last month or so( it first popped up on a run at Memorial park) I've had this same thought, over and over again:

Tri For Him. 

And in my head, the last M in Him is written with the ironman symbol. 

Then a couple of others: 
Run for Him
Strong  with Him

Maybe there's already something out there like this. 

And then I  think about how I need to send out an email to friends and family asking for donations for the Livestrong ride coming up. And, don't get me wrong, I am SUper pumped about it. But I can't help but feeling. All these races I've been doing lately. They are awesome and support great causes. But I can tell my heart is searching to find the bigger purpose. 

Tri for Him. 

 I GOTTA do something about this. 

So in love, so encouraged, so excited. 


I can't wait to get home tonight to my computer. For now, gotta get off this bench and shower. I'm starting to feel stares from the ladies around me... I think there's some rule about no cell phone usage in the locker room and I let out a lil giggle very now and then just thinking about all this... Eeee hehehe:))


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gettin back

100,200,350 or 400

Had a seriously bad headache by the end(hence not finishing the hill workout) 

Bummed, but you know, it was still 700m, which, was the end goal I had been training for before. To jump right back up there is somethin to be proud of. 

My arm still sinks when I breathe to the side 

Something to work on!!

No more excuses. You know, work is always goina be busy, with ups and downs. Life, too. 

No reason to ignore loving your body and treating it well. 

Love you. Love others. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Working out just not the same without a goal. I went for a swim today and while it was nice, it just wasn't the same... Without a purpose or goal.

What was I working for? Working towards? 

I think the next obvious goal is 1500 m.

Yup Yup. 

30 wall touches. 


Saturday, September 7, 2013


Body told me to get out there. Weather was amazing- perfect. Saturday evening at the trail. 

Went the whole way without breathing through my mouth- all nose baby. Since my heart beat has been the limiting factor, I decided to try and change the limiting factor- so lungs and breath! 

It was awesome. Felt good to feel my heart pound and lungs breath deep again. Have been taking it pretty easy this week after the race. 

Felt really good- 9 Ish min pace, and some points felt literally like my head was totally still and my legs were just swinging below me- head focused on the horizon- such a good feeling. 

Quick pic of the trail- unusually empty... Hello sat night!:) 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

It's tomorrow!!

Expo and bike checked to the transition area! 

Surprisingly peaceful.

Thank you Chris for the Bike Shop gift card!!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Austin biking :)

Awesome hilly country road ride. Left from Alex's house and got out in the open super quick. great sunny weather.   

Our new Los Duros jerseys came in!! 

Got to play with Santi, eat Mr. Natural, and swim in the river. Ahhhhhh:))))

Friday, August 30, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Well. 800. :D

... For ALL those mornings I wanted to just turn off the alarm and keep my eyelids shut, roll over, and go back to sleep.... Monday morning is going to be SO worth it. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Run :D

Memorial Park seems to go by faster every time :D.  

Up'ed the pace a little bit without even realizing it. 

Probably the Last run before Monday!!:))))) 

Oh!! And rode big red to the bike shop. Had the back brakes adjusted so they'd be more responsive. Quick fix and Now I know how to do it:). THATs why you have a local shop to call home. 

Pic from sunset on the drive home and the mapmyride route:)


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Biking with Thomas

Packed up my hybrid and went to celebrate Thomas's very first ride with his new bike!! 

His neighborhood is super nice with tons of trees.. And it was so cool tonight thanks to the rain we had today. Cool breeze with trees... Ahhhhh :))) 

Maybe I can talk him into doing the Katy Tri next year....:))))))))

Starting to organize my stuff for Monday. My suit  in the washer now :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

It's not about the race

It's about everything getting ready for it:) 




Hop in and go for 700 :) 

Remember the day not to long ago where 200 was Forever to swim in one go? 

700, with 3 backstroke lanes. 

Perfect storm: not much sleep the night before, tummy felt a little funny(nervous), stuffy nose, and only an apple on the drive over which made me had to burp in the water. 

And I MADE it! Counted my math like 15 times. So wait.. 14 one side wall touches?? 700m? 

Race day is going be awesome and full of energy and excitement. But all these days on the journey to race day are such an unexpected blessing. All the mini accomplishments and overcoming fears and getting over mini disappointments and all the cool discoveries and people along the way. What a treat. 

Heather, you're ready for this. T-minus exactly one week. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last brick

Lawrence was here :) 

Saturday morning bike ride on the bayou trail :) soooo pretty 

Wore Marilyn's socks :) 

Run was hard.:( hopefully I'll be better for next weekend :-) 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ohhhhhhh yes!!!!

Lake 288!!!! 

We did it!! 

Clement from class - 100 to the dock, 200 around big red buoy, 300 around blue and back, 300 around red and back to get out of lake. 

So peaceful actually and it seemed to go by super quick. Out on the lake for like 40 minutes I think. 

Lake Austin  here we come!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Position in water

Had a 30 minute lesson with Adrean, the swim coach from the group classes I took for a month a while back. We worked on body position in the water. Turns out my feet are dragging/ sinking too much.  

Swam in my suit. 

Practiced getting my feet up for a broken up 1000 m. 

Toe cramp major after I got out. Feeling so loved with the help from Amy, the girl who works in the aquatics office and came over and eventually brought me an ice pack. Went straight to get bananas before going home. 

Prune-y and tired...... Life is so full of love and people and life and excitement. Hugssss. Heather, come race day you'll know that you've already had an amazing journey that has shaped your life so far in Houston. Such blessingsssss 

Monday, August 19, 2013


Muscle recovery from yesterday. And daddy's surprise visit!! And Taco Bell hehehehehehejeh :)))

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lake Conroe bike ride

What a ride. Amazingly beautiful scenery. Pushing our limits. Stopping at the Loves gas station for some muchhhh needed refueling. 

All those hills!!:)))) 

Chasin' them hills!!  (Well, Houston area hills!!:)))

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Eating :)))))

I know I'm going want some energy during the bike and/or run. 

Ran to Memorial park this morning and did the loop. Ate a shock bloc right before I started the loop and had no tummy issues, so I think we're good. I've even had one before swimming, so these things are amazing. I don't think I'll have to worry about them causing an upset stomach during the race. 

Btw... Some seriousssss peeps out there on a Saturday morning. Saw one girl with and ironman tattoo on her leg... 

4.5 mi. !!!! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Heather you got this! You can do it. Just  put your hand forward and pull. And kick. And pull. And you can breath as much as you need on the side. Just keep going. One pull, one kick, one breath at a time. You'll get there.

You got this! 

That really tan guy with the Michigan cap two lanes over. Dang! His kick sprayed me in my lane. And the ..round guy next to me. Had all these cool things- flippers and those hand pull things. Looks fun. 

450 and 400. Checked the clock for the first time. Face in the water for 12 minutes. That takes practice. 

You got this. Flip over if you need to. You CAN catch your breath in the water.  You can relax and you can pull through and you can finish. 

Pull. Pull. Its not about the time.   Anyone can be fast.  It's all about the journey.  Only YOU can swim bike and run this race. 

You got this. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Brick Workout

60 minute spin class. Bike computer says avg >30 mph... Highly skeptical, and >20 mi. Nothing like drippin sweat! 

2.6ish run outside around the gym.. In the neighborhoods and a little park.  Seeing the sunrise!!

Brick workouts... Cause your feet feel like bricks??!!??? Oh man. Not fast but it happened!  

And... Saw Arlene in the locker room after my shower!! From my swim class that I'm not going to anymore:/  but... She said she might be up for going to the lake to practice open water!!!!!:)))

All that and in the office by 8am. That's how it's done lady and gents!!

Now, to make that oatmeal!!! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

i'm goina want to remember this

I've thought about starting up a tri blog for a while... basically every time something hilarious comes to mind.  You know those thoughts where you're like.... really?  where DID that come from.  And, they always originate when I'm training for my first ever TRIATHLON!!!!

this ain't goina be fancy, and probably pretty short one or two liners most of the time.  But hell, why not.  This stuff is too good not to remember.  How many times do you train for your first tri?!?!?

It's fitting Gloriana is mentioned in the FIRST EVER POST.  Because she's a MAJOR reason I've got into this in the first place.

Love you girly.   Not to worry.... you'll be mentioned MANY more times :D

Now, let's get to the exciting stuff for the day:  My very first triathlon paraphernalia (wow thank goodness for spell check).

This thing is awesome!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Gloriana - you have no idea how excited this made me when I got home from work and saw your package on my front door!

And, I ran in my tri suit for the first time to see how things work....  Let's face it.  Some things are bound to jiggle.

Super excited!!  over n out!  till tomorrow!