Thursday, August 15, 2013


Heather you got this! You can do it. Just  put your hand forward and pull. And kick. And pull. And you can breath as much as you need on the side. Just keep going. One pull, one kick, one breath at a time. You'll get there.

You got this! 

That really tan guy with the Michigan cap two lanes over. Dang! His kick sprayed me in my lane. And the ..round guy next to me. Had all these cool things- flippers and those hand pull things. Looks fun. 

450 and 400. Checked the clock for the first time. Face in the water for 12 minutes. That takes practice. 

You got this. Flip over if you need to. You CAN catch your breath in the water.  You can relax and you can pull through and you can finish. 

Pull. Pull. Its not about the time.   Anyone can be fast.  It's all about the journey.  Only YOU can swim bike and run this race. 

You got this. 

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