Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Position in water

Had a 30 minute lesson with Adrean, the swim coach from the group classes I took for a month a while back. We worked on body position in the water. Turns out my feet are dragging/ sinking too much.  

Swam in my suit. 

Practiced getting my feet up for a broken up 1000 m. 

Toe cramp major after I got out. Feeling so loved with the help from Amy, the girl who works in the aquatics office and came over and eventually brought me an ice pack. Went straight to get bananas before going home. 

Prune-y and tired...... Life is so full of love and people and life and excitement. Hugssss. Heather, come race day you'll know that you've already had an amazing journey that has shaped your life so far in Houston. Such blessingsssss 

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