Tuesday, August 13, 2013

i'm goina want to remember this

I've thought about starting up a tri blog for a while... basically every time something hilarious comes to mind.  You know those thoughts where you're like.... really?  where DID that come from.  And, they always originate when I'm training for my first ever TRIATHLON!!!!

this ain't goina be fancy, and probably pretty short one or two liners most of the time.  But hell, why not.  This stuff is too good not to remember.  How many times do you train for your first tri?!?!?

It's fitting Gloriana is mentioned in the FIRST EVER POST.  Because she's a MAJOR reason I've got into this in the first place.

Love you girly.   Not to worry.... you'll be mentioned MANY more times :D

Now, let's get to the exciting stuff for the day:  My very first triathlon paraphernalia (wow thank goodness for spell check).

This thing is awesome!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Gloriana - you have no idea how excited this made me when I got home from work and saw your package on my front door!

And, I ran in my tri suit for the first time to see how things work....  Let's face it.  Some things are bound to jiggle.

Super excited!!  over n out!  till tomorrow!

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