Monday, August 26, 2013

It's not about the race

It's about everything getting ready for it:) 




Hop in and go for 700 :) 

Remember the day not to long ago where 200 was Forever to swim in one go? 

700, with 3 backstroke lanes. 

Perfect storm: not much sleep the night before, tummy felt a little funny(nervous), stuffy nose, and only an apple on the drive over which made me had to burp in the water. 

And I MADE it! Counted my math like 15 times. So wait.. 14 one side wall touches?? 700m? 

Race day is going be awesome and full of energy and excitement. But all these days on the journey to race day are such an unexpected blessing. All the mini accomplishments and overcoming fears and getting over mini disappointments and all the cool discoveries and people along the way. What a treat. 

Heather, you're ready for this. T-minus exactly one week. 

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