Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tri for Him

Oh my goodness, what a good, inspiring spin workout this morning! 

This morning before class, I read my email and one of them is from a blog streaming service thingy. They say my tri blog has been added to their site. Ok..? Anywho. I think it means more people will read it perhaps. 

I wonder why Grace wasn't added to that blog service thingy. I consider that to be way more inspiring and encouraging and more well written. Especially when most of my tri posts consist of talking about sweat and my little swim workouts and trying to burp in water and food. You know, truly glamorous stuff. 

At some point in my rush out the door this morning and the drive to Lifetime, it hits me for the first time. 

Christian. Athlete. 

I don't know why I hadn't really put them together before. 

And then I think about the radio show I listen to where they have a feature about  Christian sports coaches. 

I always wondered why sports and Christian leaders were so popular. Maybe cause people realize our bodies are gifts and our power and strength come from God. In athletics, the metaphor for channeling His stength is so obvious and evident. 

I get to spin class and half way through, heard pounding, sweat bubbles just a poppin off my arms, that image pops in my head again. 

Pretty much every day for the last month or so( it first popped up on a run at Memorial park) I've had this same thought, over and over again:

Tri For Him. 

And in my head, the last M in Him is written with the ironman symbol. 

Then a couple of others: 
Run for Him
Strong  with Him

Maybe there's already something out there like this. 

And then I  think about how I need to send out an email to friends and family asking for donations for the Livestrong ride coming up. And, don't get me wrong, I am SUper pumped about it. But I can't help but feeling. All these races I've been doing lately. They are awesome and support great causes. But I can tell my heart is searching to find the bigger purpose. 

Tri for Him. 

 I GOTTA do something about this. 

So in love, so encouraged, so excited. 


I can't wait to get home tonight to my computer. For now, gotta get off this bench and shower. I'm starting to feel stares from the ladies around me... I think there's some rule about no cell phone usage in the locker room and I let out a lil giggle very now and then just thinking about all this... Eeee hehehe:))


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gettin back

100,200,350 or 400

Had a seriously bad headache by the end(hence not finishing the hill workout) 

Bummed, but you know, it was still 700m, which, was the end goal I had been training for before. To jump right back up there is somethin to be proud of. 

My arm still sinks when I breathe to the side 

Something to work on!!

No more excuses. You know, work is always goina be busy, with ups and downs. Life, too. 

No reason to ignore loving your body and treating it well. 

Love you. Love others. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Working out just not the same without a goal. I went for a swim today and while it was nice, it just wasn't the same... Without a purpose or goal.

What was I working for? Working towards? 

I think the next obvious goal is 1500 m.

Yup Yup. 

30 wall touches. 


Saturday, September 7, 2013


Body told me to get out there. Weather was amazing- perfect. Saturday evening at the trail. 

Went the whole way without breathing through my mouth- all nose baby. Since my heart beat has been the limiting factor, I decided to try and change the limiting factor- so lungs and breath! 

It was awesome. Felt good to feel my heart pound and lungs breath deep again. Have been taking it pretty easy this week after the race. 

Felt really good- 9 Ish min pace, and some points felt literally like my head was totally still and my legs were just swinging below me- head focused on the horizon- such a good feeling. 

Quick pic of the trail- unusually empty... Hello sat night!:) 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

It's tomorrow!!

Expo and bike checked to the transition area! 

Surprisingly peaceful.

Thank you Chris for the Bike Shop gift card!!!